SamanthaAlexandra's Journal

Feb 2007
2:56 PM PST

Valentine's Day. What a waste of my life. Honestly, I would let a guy buy me flowers or chocolates or even just give me a huge hug or amazing kiss any fucking day he wanted. I'm not greedy and I refuse to be a sell out to another government holiday. Although, I'm not saying if someone dd that for me I would turn them away. This weekend is going to be monsterously busy. Between taking pictures, family time, homework, and work, I'm finding myself with no time for friends. but of course, this is me we're talking about-a) I don't have many friends anyway and b) I only need four hours of sleep to make it through the day :)
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SamanthaAlexandra's Profile

  • Username: SamanthaAlexandra
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - California

    About Me: Every angel is terrifying The drugs are a fabulation. Every wisp of smoke I inhale and exhale is a story formed from one breath to another. Take this train I'm on, for instance. It could suddenly lift from its rails and be taken to a desolate planet, a razed nothing where food and water is scarce. I wonder, then, who would make love to whom, who would be eaten first and by what method we would decide this sacrificial process. Or perhaps we'd all just be too hungry to think about it...
