SamanthaAlexandra's Journal

Feb 2007
2:38 PM PST

I'm realizing that my life is a lot like that of Zachery Braff's character in The Last Kiss. My life is exactly how I had envisioned it as a kid. I'd be in a good college, persuing my amazing future career, balancing school, work, and friendships. Some bumpy spots, but overall, no surprises, nothing interesting is happening. Now, if I get a boyfriend, I'm not going to go behind his back when we get into a fight and start fooling around, but I really hope my equivalent to that comes soon. My wrench in the machine, crack in the sidewalk, white carnation among a field of red roses- I'm ready for it.
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SamanthaAlexandra's Profile

  • Username: SamanthaAlexandra
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - California

    About Me: Every angel is terrifying The drugs are a fabulation. Every wisp of smoke I inhale and exhale is a story formed from one breath to another. Take this train I'm on, for instance. It could suddenly lift from its rails and be taken to a desolate planet, a razed nothing where food and water is scarce. I wonder, then, who would make love to whom, who would be eaten first and by what method we would decide this sacrificial process. Or perhaps we'd all just be too hungry to think about it...
