Rei's Journal

Apr 2007
6:44 AM WST

Okay, I can't stop typing. Marky and I semi-made up. God I'm so immature. I mean he's so immature. Yeah yeah. We texted each other about stupid things like how i found a starfish and how he watched some reruns of this series. Thats that. We're ok. Anyway, we went to zoobic safari today. AGAIN i made E.J.s life hell by threatening to feed him now to the tigers, otters, rodents and goats. Ooooks. I'm studying psychology and I know how much this would affect his internal working model of relationships but WHAT the hell. He knows his ate would die for him if an undertow drags him to the sea floor. Okay, he almost murdered me when I dangled his giraffe stuffy in the croc pond... Haha. The trip was fun. Watching tigers eat like there's no tomorrow is my idea of entertainment on a normak basis. George, the alpha male tiger, also kept walking around the enclosure where our flimsy tour jeep was parked and the guide said he was biding his time to piss on us and mark us as his territory. Great. We had our pictures taken with his really cute cub, who's bigger than me, weighed twice as me, and who's only six months old. Yeap, I fed the baby with a bottle while gasping for breath under his heavy butt (ok im exaggerrating). But yeah, I had to carry him for the picture, ol' jackie. He's so soft and furry, I almost took him home with me. If only I can fit him in my lola's bayong.
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Rei's Profile

  • Username: Rei
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: Philippines
    REI's Interests:

    Favorite Movies: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, closer, ocean's, etc etc add foreign films to the bunch

    Favorite Television: wtf??

    Favorite Books: god of small things... i'll add the rest whem i'm not so *&%$#ng high anymore