Luna's Journal

Jan 2007
2:32 PM EDT

Today i went to all my classes and did all of my homework and finished all of it. now i am gonna go home and sleep the rest of the day it is about 2:25 right now so i will be seeing you later on monday so you peoples later well i am getting off now bye.....................................@_@
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Jan 2007
2:42 PM EDT

yesterday when i was in p.e class and my team won another game we haven't lost one game threw out the whole tournament now we are going to the finals with team 11 we are team 12 and we are going to win the finals.......................................
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Jan 2007
3:47 PM EDT

I admire my cousin ronnie the most because he lkes the same things as i do and i like the same thing as he does so i go over to his house every friday and we play video games and eat a lot of food.
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Jan 2007
2:37 PM EDT

today in my 5th p. we got saw dust and threw it on peoples back and they got us back so me and me and my friend david made a basket ball hoop actuolly i made the b-ball hoop and we hung it up in the storage room this is all in woodshop class............................ect.
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Dec 2006
2:18 PM EDT

What i expect from others is their honesty, and trust and i want them to expect my honesty, and trust.
1 comment(s) - 04:23 PM - 12/21/2006
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Dec 2006
2:22 PM EDT

I give other people my love and they gain by me telling them that i love them like my family and friends.
2 comment(s) - 04:39 PM - 12/15/2006
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Dec 2006
2:27 PM EDT

I think all people should just be themselves and not something that they are not.
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Luna's Profile

  • Username: Luna
  • Gender / Age: Male, 33
  • Location: USA - California