Lostletters's Journal
Dec 2006
10:54 AM EDT
"dear diary...i fucking hate you..." Have you ever had such an experiance that overwhelmed you and you couldnt control feelings that were enraging your body... Words changing your moods. Infecting your body contagiously. You feel like breaking out and no one to help , feeling lost and rejected afriad to go anywhere, afraid of the ungoing rejection that you face from day to day. abandon by the people who gave you their word of support and sercurity. words mean nothing, melt away like the clear liquid on the earth floors. no on knows what love is. everything is a trend, some fashion statement that people must follow to fit in and be in the light of things. go back to the darkness, you were fine now your fake and wasting away from your life. find the true you. get better, flee from this sickness devour the postive and rid yourself of the negative. let the music talk for you if it must.
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- 01:25 PM - 12/11/2006
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Female, 36
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