Lorimo's Journal

Dec 2007
4:14 PM EDT


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Lorimo's Profile

  • Username: Lorimo
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Florida
    Photo Album

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    LORIMO's Interests:

    About Me: I'm Lorie.Im aged 14. I am known by other names like captain colors, panda, and little miss scene.But those are names that special friends get to use.The cake day is October 26th, cupcake on a stick day is in Feb. 16th. I think?? I don't really care what you think of me, because chances are, I am thinking the same thing about you. I have many friends, but only some that I actually conversate with. I have a short attention span, and my life consists of music, video games, friends, and Tv. I would go to more shows, but they have to be ones worth seeing. I scream when I am home alone,or if I am frustrated. I cry during the Titanic every time. I know every word to Finding Nemo, The Little Mermaid, saw 1,2&3, John Tucker Must Die, final destination 1,2&3, Phantom of the Opera, Bring It On ((all of them)), Fight Club, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Pirates of the Caribbean 1&2, the nightmare before Christmas, and the corpse bride. I am a huge loser, but I love who I am. I speak out loud when I am supposed to be thinking it. I hate Math. I am very opinionated. I talk a lot , when I am comfortable. I love my friends, and will kill over some of them ((like Audri)). My dad and I have wonderful debates, and he is super funny. I speak what’s on my mind. I will tell you if I hate you. I am very rarely serious. I will always smile,for anyone. I love making people smile. I dream a lot, but they never come true. Wishing is for the people who are meant to have them come true. Love is for fools, and it will never have me. Money is for rich people with no time. skating is a sport I love but some of my friends think it's over-rated. I want to be an anostesiologist. I am very intelligent, but I don't act it. I act like a kid because I am one at heart. I am very truthful. I don't like lyres, backstabbers, or cheaters, I will get very violent with these people. Like seriously, there will be some annulations. I still play video games. I watch cartoons with my brother. I love my kitty((mr.bojangles)). I like to stay active. Eyeliner, Headbands, Sharpies, and Converse are like a drug. I love shoes, shorts, tanks, and bracelets even during the winter. The mall is awesome. I think gay people are awesome and should be able to choose who they love. I am a camera whore! No I will not suck you off because I am pretty. I don't talk to people with fake personalities, because you are just materialized and your not impressing anyone, not even yourself. Go to fricken e-bay and buy one of your very own if that’s what it takes. I cuss a lot, and I don't care. I love watching Degrassi at night. I listen pretty much any kind of rock music ((and Justin Timberlake)). I love who I am. I dress emo, dye my hair, and have an emo haircut, but that doesn't make me emo, I’m a normal person... I just like the emo style. I usually carry around my wallet, my cell, my iPod, gum, pens, pencils, and make-up. I am atheist. I want a tattoo on my wrist, but I don't know what to get, I’m thinking about a heartagram. I have lots of notebooks. I am an insomniac. I have A.D.D. I listen to my iPod all the times. I change out the songs every two weeks. I have a Pirates of the Caribbean calendar. I wear a rainbow necklace with a heart in the middle, a choker and a necklace with monster tabs and a clandestine industries bat. I am O.C.D. I have to have 3 ice-cubes in my drink. I always wear make-up, if I am not, I am having a terrible day. I love walking home in winter... its neat. My aim is screemoxcore. I cry every once in a while, but never in front of people. The only three people who have seen me cry is lacey, sydnee& stevie. I love to laugh. If you are capable of making me laugh, I will automatically be drawn to you in some way, because not many people can make me laugh. I love my lunch crew, and I am going to miss them. Brandon is my lover, lacey is mah Hoe, Nathan is the bffenmwtfh, Morgan is my fiancé. I love them dearly. I will break faces over them. Not to mention the people in my Hero's box. That box will never change. And I type way to much. :D My Thoughts: The WORLD sucks and it makes me do this :/ and I think the day it blows up people would see that they should have just lived their lives for their selves. It really sucks that we have to watch that happen but what are you going to do. There's a saying that is in my history class that I feel in love with, and this is what people should do.. Sometimes ignorance isn't bliss, develope global awareness end of story.

    Interests:  Eyeliner ' Channel! '

    Favorite Music: Cute is what we aim for ' Paramore ' Underoath ' The used' Jefree star '

    Favorite Movies: The nightmare before christmas! '

    Favorite Television: Degrassi ' South park '

    Favorite Books: Harry potter '