Journal4Jackson's Journal

Feb 2007
1:45 AM PST

2/19/07-Woke up at normal time. Had freeplay and then did ring around the rosie with sister a few times before b'fast. Ate b'fast well, then had a bath and played with squishy foam. Played trains in the living room followed by modeling clay and sticker game at the table. Then played a shape game (put matching shapes on a card). Did trampoline and then did 3 games at table for 10minutes each. Played with blocks in living room and built a fort with pillows. Had lunch, then freeplayed. Went down for a rest (didn't sleep). Played in front yard, then came in and read stories and had snack. Played golf in living room and freeplayed until dinner. Ate dinner well, then played in living room with Daddy and sister. Got ready for bed, brushed teeth and had stories. Early bedtime (half hour early), fell asleep within an hour. Total TV for day: NONE. Total TO's for day: 3. Brushed every 3 hours w/o problems.

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Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - California