Journal4Jackson's Journal

Jan 2007
11:16 AM PST

1/4/07: Woke up early (around 6:30), played for a half hour and then had breakfast. Ate well, then cleaned up and did morning routine. Played with sister and watched TV for a while. Took a bubble bath. We've all been sick with colds since Wednesday, so it's been pretty lax around the house. Played at the table with playdough, did some puzzles and then colored for awhile. Got down, played independently for a half hour or so and then lunchtime. Ate well, then cleaned up and watched TV and played until naptime. Didn't sleep, but rested. Got up, played with sister and watched a little TV until dinner. Ate a good dinner, then had time with Daddy and went down at normal time. Fell asleep within 30 minutes.
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  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - California