Janira's Journal

Jan 2011
5:49 PM

Some things just never Change

Well I hope everyone's MLK day was good. mine was okay. So I got up did chores and .... well gram was on the phone most of the day trying to hustle money and and every way. Mom went to the va to talk to the people who are supposed to be over my uncle but it didn't do much. Gram got an insurance check but she wasn't supposed to cash it i think. but in the end after calling people with her same old story she did. so anther remarks of her behind was she wish her husband was here to do the surveys so they could get paid right. Firstly i was the one who did it went he was alive too and and now the check only come janurary ,july, october and april i think but at the most it's every three months or more. I'm tired of her talking about me behing my back like i'm trash one minute then oh i need you the next. Plus gives owr just bought milk to stray cats i mean give them the commity milk we don''t use, we need the other for the five of us. I've been thinking lately since i'm working part time to get another job and want to do with my money. I know i will need food for myself because what's being served over here isn't doing the job at all. I'm not eating healthy and i think that's why i'm almost always sick lately. I don't know what to do... but being her is enough to make someone nuts. this is the worst enviroment ever!!! plus veteran hospitals don't care squat about their veterans and my uncles the greatest example of it. I need to go blow off some steam like really
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Janira's Profile

  • Username: Janira
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Louisiana
    JANIRA's Friends:
    Misty Thrash