Janira's Journal

Jan 2011
4:56 PM MST

I went to an Interview for a paid Internship Job.

I had an Interview today, It's for an internship that works with kids after school, helps them with homework, and gives them fun things to do rather than get in trouble. I was shocked and excited that I got. Out of all the seniors at my school 20 were selected and from that ten for interviews and I was one of them. It was my second interview in my whole life. I was really nervous but they were kind and funny christians. However I felt like I couldn't get my words out right. lol. They had called me for an interview that day. When then called the first time I wasn't home and my grams answered the phone but then forgot if she told them to call back or what which really had me frantic.However thank god they call again and after I got the call I went for the interview talk about sudden. After wards I felt like I couldn't breath. Part of me whats to get the job but another part doesn't. It's a paid internship and I do need the great reference and the money and it would be fun to work with kids I think. If it's God will I say let it be but if not I'm okay. They said I can still volunteer if I want to which is great.
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Janira's Profile

  • Username: Janira
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Louisiana
    JANIRA's Friends:
    Misty Thrash