HeartAttackGirl's Journal

Oct 2007
5:21 PM EDT

Relationships- there are those that open you up to something new and exotic. Those that are old and familiar. Those that bring up lots of questions. Those that bring you somewhere unexpected. Those that bring you far from where you started. And those that bring you back.And even when you'relooking for love(like me);Ridiculous, Inconvenient, Consuming, Can't-Live-With-Out-Each-Other Love. You have to realize many things:

You can never get to your future, if the past is present.And the best relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. If you can find someone to love the you, You love. Well then that's just Fabulous.

You need to realize what true love REALLY is:
Those butterflies. That feeling that is incomprehensible. The knowing in your heart that your flaws are suddenly beautiful. The abrupt friendship, trust, respect and integrity you have for someone.And the urge to better yourself, not only for that person, but for your own good.As well as MANYother stupendous feelings.

You also have to realize that your mistakes and bad decisions in life are what make your destiny. Perhaps if you never veered off course, you wouldn't fall in love or have babies, or be who you are. After all, season's change, so do cities. People come and people go in and out of your life. But it's comforting knowing the one's you love are always in your heart-and if you're lucky, just a plane ride away.

There are times in our lives when we meet the 'perfect guy'. Some one tall, dark and handsome. Someone who meets all your needs. Someone who financially secures your. Someone who is perfect on paper;all your friends and family love him. But you have to realize that there is no such thing of ANYTHING perfect. There is only close to perfect.And when you meet the guy who fufills all your needs, burns your desires, is funny, has goals, stands up for you, fights to make it work and has a million flaws that you can't help, but love. That's when you've truely found 'the one' who completes you. Because in the end; you just want to be with the one who makes you laugh.

When you've found that guy-dont let him go. The best things in life, fall into your lap, but it's YOUR job to fight to keep it there. Don't let him know everyday that you love him(it's not the most important thing). Because EVERY guy would give up, knowing their girl loved them, just to feel adequet and respected. So tell him every day how proud you are of him. How much you respect him, appreciate him,how he is everything you need, and how he is your hero.Let him know 'You are my friend, my family, my insides. You will be fine.You will be famous.You will have everything because that's how important you are to me'.

It will be hard to hold onto 'the one'. When you are faced with something you have been waiting for your entire life. You tend to react erratically. Because you notice all these changes occuring in your lifethat make you want to cry tears of joy. And the thought and chanceof you losing that, is atrocious.Though that person is supposed to be your best friend, how you act around them sometimes differ's from how you would act around your other friends. The reason for this is simple: 'the one' completes you. So OBVIOUSLY things about you will change. And that's ok. It's all for the best. But don't get caught up in those facts just be yourself;who you are with 'the one'.

If for some reason you lose 'the one'. Move on. Throw yourself into the other parts of your life. Though you will be incomplete without them. Realize and be realistic in knowing that you have spent your whole life, before them, and been just fine. And don't dwell on what you did wrong in the relationship because in the end, be happy for the memories you get to carry with you FOREVER, with that person. Cause' memories are better than never having anything with 'the one'.

And last, but not least, remember:
A smart girl listens,but doesn't belive.Kisses, but doesnt fall in love.And leaves before she is left.

(...I guess im just a big dumby.)

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HeartAttackGirl's Profile

  • Username: HeartAttackGirl
  • Gender / Age: Male, 35
  • Location: USA - Arizona