Alyanna's Journal

Apr 2007
7:02 AM EDT

Thursday, April 5, 2007 7:23PM - Today was an exciting day for me, but yet at the same time it was sad. At times today, I felt as if I was to cry but didn't. I miss my friends already, and I haven't been gone that long. This morning I got up to my normal schedule, 7AM. My roomate, Sarah, and I went to breakfast, but since I still had some packing to do I grab 'n' goed. I went back to my room, started packing and then my mother showed up around 8:45AM. My mother and I then went to my advising appointment. I told my advisor that I was going to withdraw from Ball State. We were given some information on which classes are transferrable from Ivy Tech back to Ball State. She then sent us to the Administrative Building to fill out my withdrawal paperwork. Next, we went over to Lucina to the Counseling Center to deliver some paperwork for my counselor to complete and turn into the Administrative Office. After that, we went to the Financial Aid office to see if I would recieve any financial aid back but unfortunately not. Earlier my mother recieved a ticket because our metered parking spot had expired, while we were in my advising appointment. So, our helper in Lucina sent us over to the Student Center to the Parking Services office. With them there knowing that I was in the midst of withdrawing that day, they excused our ticket plus another one that my older brother recieved two weeks before. We were finally done with running around doing things, so we went back to my dorm and started packing the rest of my stuff. Oh my gosh! I never realized how much stuff I crammed into my room until we tried to get it all home. We made it in one whole trip, thankfully!! My mother went down after the car (when we were ready to put it into the vehicle), and my mother found that we had received yet ANOTHER flippin' ticket. I HATE BSU PARKING SERVICES!!!!!! We finally got to leave at around 3:30PM. Even though it's only 8:25PM now and I have been away for long, I still miss my friends. I hate that I had to miss CRU tonight, but my mother forgot to mention that my brother had class this evening. I REALLY wish I could see Amanda's skit and hear Pam's message, but unfortunately I have to miss it. So, I think later tonight (after CRU) I'm going to call Amanda and ask her for a summary of what Pam spoke about.
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Alyanna's Profile

  • Username: Alyanna
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Indiana
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    ALYANNA's Interests:

    About Me: I am 20 years old and engaged to a man that I love and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with.

    Interests: crocheting, reading, text messaging, playing with my cat, hanging out with friends, family, and my fiance...and much much more...

    Favorite Music: I like all kinds except for rap, but some rap is okay. I also don't like music where you can't understand a darn thing they are saying.

    Favorite Movies: Nell, Rigoletto, all the Disney movies, etc...

    Favorite Television: Lincoln Heights, Wildfire, Heroes, NCIS, Crossing Jordan, The Closer, Survivor, Ghost Whisperer, Close To Home, Numb3rs, The Amazing Race

    Favorite Books: Captivating, The Bible, The Force of My Yeshua, House, The Two Princesses of Bamarre